Multifaceted Systems are distinguished by their needs to handle simultaneously numerous facets : complex behaviours, intensive data, continuous reaction with their environment, evolving physical environments, time properties, robustness to failure, etc
The formal modelling and analysis of such multifaceted systems are still challenging due to the need of well-researched theories, methods and tools to combine models and methods in order to take account of the various facets, environment (including hardware but not only) as well as software components, the interaction with the environment, the transfer of properties, the refinement into various target languages pr frameworks, etc.
All these facets make it difficult in practice to build or to guarantee that a multifaceted model is correct.
The topics of interest of the workshop include, but are not limited to :
- New concepts, models, theory and tools for multifacted systems ;
- Formal modelling of multifaceted systems ;
- Formal modelling of embedded systems and mechatronic systems ;
- Analysis of interactive distributed systems ;
- Standards for interchange between models, methods, provers, model checkers ;
- All aspects of interaction between formal analysis tools ;
- Correct-by-construction (refinement-based) methods ;
- Contract-based design and verification ;
- Probabilistic modelling and analysis ;
- Compositional approaches to heterogeneous systems ;
- Heterogeneous models for cyber-physical or mechatronic systems ;
- Case studies.
The workshop proceedings will be published in a CCIS volue with Springer